Missions is an important component of our life at Immanuel Baptist Church.
Committee Members: Carrie Adams, Mary Blaquiere, Merrily Buchs, Sue Good, Amy Norris, Phil Thompson
Missions Committee News & Events:
Ipswich Food Pantry – there is a box to collect physical food items and donations may also be made via Open Door.
As a church, we support the following missions:
ABCUSA (American Baptist Churches USA) – American Baptist Churches are missional congregations that nurture devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who live their lives in mission and ministry for the healing of the world through the love of God.
Ipswich Food Pantry, via Open Door – Food offerings may be donated at any time & there is a container in the entryway to place your items. One item they are often low on is cereal; additionally, peanut butter & jelly, canned veggies, and canned soup are always needed, as well as any other food items you would like to donate. However, canned beans of any type (black, kidney, etc) usually sit on the shelf and are not taken.
Patti & Tim Long – Missionaries in Mexico, they attended IBC while Tim was at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. They would love to hear from their friends at IBC. Tim’s e-mail is tlong16168@aol.com and Patti’s is plong@aol.com.
Partners in Development – Partners In Development, Inc. (PID) was founded in 1990 by James and Gale Hull of Ipswich as an organization committed to education and economic advancement in the developing world. Since the beginning, they have developed new, specific programs to address the local needs of the communities they partner with. Over many decades, PID’s context-specific approach to addressing poverty and its multiple causes has evolved into what today is known as their Whole Life Transformation Model.
Pregnancy Care Center – The Pregnancy Care Center exists to help women know and understand all their pregnancy options, with locations in Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell.
International Ministries – International Ministries, also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God